“Australia had undervalued institutions with creative leaders who deserved more opportunity. For Chuck Feeney, it was an investment value analysis: The upside was very good.” – Christopher G. Oechsli, Atlantic’s CEO
Australia by the Numbers
“Chuck’s legacy in Australia can be quite easily expressed: hundreds of medical breakthroughs, large or small, that would not have happened were it not for him." – Kevin Rudd, former Prime Minister of Australia
1998 First
Grant -
27 Capital Projects
$293.4 Million Granted

Translational Research Institute (TRI)
TRI is Australia’s first “bench to bedside” medical research and biopharmaceutical development facility.
Queensland University of Technology (QUT)
QUT’s new campus is part of a vibrant urban village with educational, residential and retail facilities that bring students and faculty together for greater collaboration.
University of Queensland (UQ)
Four major research institutes and centers at the University have transformed biomedical research in Australia and elevated UQ’s national and global ranking.
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research
Australia’s oldest medical institute remains at the cutting edge of scientific discovery and produces breakthrough research on immunity, autoimmunity, cancer and infectious diseases.