To measure its impact on South Africa, one might count the number of buildings built, nurses or lawyers trained, or people served. But, how do you come up with a metric that measures the change in spirit and optimism? That, unquestionably, is Atlantic’s greatest impact and legacy.
South Africa
South Africa by the Numbers
After Nelson Mandela’s election as president of South Africa in 1994, Atlantic began investigating ways to support a nation on the brink of radical, hopeful change to a multi-racial democracy.
2000 First
Grant -
21 Capital Projects
$53.4 Million Granted

Cape Town
University of the Western Cape (UWC)
In true Chuck Feeney style, a 2005 visit to the campus at this once “colored-only” university led to construction of the Life Sciences Building, catapulting UWC to the national and continental leader in several scientific fields.
Cape Town
District Six Museum
This Museum pays homage to the forced removal of 60,000 people of color from the once thriving central-city neighborhood known as District Six.
Cape Town
Nelson Mandela Gateway
The Gateway provides an interactive space for visitors to learn about South Africa’s history before traveling to Robben Island, site of the notorious apartheid-era prison.
Cape Town
Operating Theatres at Red Cross War Memorial Children’s Hospital
Atlantic helped modernize surgical facilities and technology in southern Africa's only specialized pediatric hospital.
Queenstown, Eastern Cape
Sabona Eye Centre
Eastern Cape Province, home to more than seven million people, is the poorest in South Africa. More than 50,000 are blind, and most had limited or no access to eye care.
University of the Witwatersrand
Atlantic supported construction of the School of Public Health, which trains the next generation of specialists in prevention and care, particularly for rural areas where the shortage of health personnel is most acute.
University of the Witwatersrand
This Atlantic-funded pilot campus trains Clinical Associates and offers a scalable model for efficiently developing and retaining health professionals in especially underserved regions.
Constitution Hill—Old Fort Museum
To commemorate how a brutal past can make way for a progressive future, the infamous Old Fort prison has become a place to remember the scourge of apartheid. Symbolically, it is also the site of South Africa’s new Constitutional Court.
Isivivana Centre
New since book publication: Khayelitsha’s Isivivana Centre is home to several social justice organizations. It also has a library that the local community can access and a legal advice centre people can visit at no cost. Photo: Ashraf Hendricks