Taoiseach Launches “Laying Foundations for Change: Capital Investments of The Atlantic Philanthropies”

September 17, 2015—Taoiseach Enda Kenny today launched “Laying Foundations for Change: Capital Investments of The Atlantic Philanthropies”, a 2 volume book detailing Chuck Feeney’s Philanthropic activities across 5 continents and 4 decades.
During Atlantic’s first two decades (1980s and 1990s), the foundation focused on strengthening higher education and health care and operated anonymously at Chuck Feeney’s direction.
During the second two decades (2000s and 2010s), its focus shifted to issues of aging, children and youth, population health, and reconciliation and human rights. During this time, Atlantic committed to complete all grantmaking by 2016 and to close soon thereafter.
By the time Atlantic makes its final grant, it will have invested more than $2.5 billion in capital projects and a total of nearly $8 billion to enhance opportunities and improve the lives of disadvantaged and vulnerable people around the world.
This article was originally published on MerrionStreet.ie. Original Source